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Showing posts from March 4, 2015

Exodus: Gods And Kings - PREAMBLE

When it comes to War, God is not with any side, too many spirit's crushed by War's sway, too many children breathe no more frome War's pace, erase it now, this demon of control, of wealth, before it becomes the way inside itself, it would not sustain the weight, it'd swallow us whole. War is not the answer, never was, never will be. Rise up with Peace and Love, You and Me... © 2015 Mark Richard Prime, I am.


Lift the veil already, would ya? We've been clueless for too long. Of course if you lift it too soon you might sense that clueless to Heaven means we were clueless to our own creation of Hell... © 2015 Mark Richard Prime, I am.


God's objectives are irrelevant to us since we do not know them, our objectives requires that we bow to Home as most precious. You can do it, your animal wants to, but your spirit is hesitant. Don't get lost on the trail before you even realize that you're on it. © 2015 Mark Richard Prime, I am.


Love's objective is the instruction of silence, given away the rights to such speeches, in the story Love instructs in silence... * One does not teach silence, one instructs one on how to deal with it. My objective is to learn and then speak what I know of now, not then. Forgiveness has no objective, it just is. © 2015 Mark Richard Prime, I am.


So, what you're saying is... that it is coming whether we like it or not, so essentially you're trying to get us to tell you what you should already know within, that it is coming, irrespective of what anyone else thinks about this truth? © 2015 Mark Richard Prime, I am.


Stand down your aggressive will, bring your balance, find it and bring it with, we could all use each other. HumanKind, THC, Medicine, CBDs, medicines, marijuana. Trust me, marijuana is the medicine intended to keep humankind peaceful. I'll wager even more that this is Heaven, things are what we make of them after all... © 2015 Mark Richard Prime, I am.


I try to stop this dance, for the story to leave me alone, but the thread is forgiving, loving, I'm just trying to figure out what such a truth is attached to. It's a natural curiosity. (It is?) Yip. (Yip? That's your explanation, sunshine?) Yip. (You need help.) I am help. (Yes. To everyone but yourself.) At least you admit I'm a help to others. (I mean they are helping themselves to you, Mark.) Oh. That. (Yes. That.) © 2015 Mark Richard Prime, I am.

Peace Has Come Around, the persecuted is Jesus, why would you not imagine it's Me that fills in the space left with so much time for the story to change. Think.

Do not worry, forgiveness is a given, laughter is afloat, love's Heart(H) is beating, peace has come around. Hello. Why would you not imagine it's Me that fills in the space left with so much time for the story to change and for your Jesus to be hanging upon his cross, not yours, his and his alone. Think. I'm signing my own death warrant by insisting I continue this speech until all are paying attention. I have great staying power. I am Peace, mere scribe with a big heart, as big as Love, with Peace enveloping it. Nature/nurture same thing. © 2015 Mark Richard Prime, I am.

No remix needed

Yes. The spiritual battle is me. I am a wingless steward of earth. I am love. I must end my pride and bow to what I know, before what I believe is truth sleeps evermore. © 2012 by mark prime ADD: The battle is willed, in my case it was not a choice. Thank goodness that turned into my pleasure and the truth. I believe that's four aces... And Then, Love Mournfully Resets the Clock. I discard of time, enter Peace. Where is Love? (A humming noise begins in the dream... trace it, find it, change it, renew its life-force. Be. © 2015 Mark Richard Prime, I am.

REMIX: Necessarily Measured Time

Reality is now bending to belief Has bent, is bending- (Get a motel room!) (Brief silence...) Love, and this, my reality, is shaping my never-end, always with a loving confidence go I, not knowing now, not quite familiar with now, but adapting and adopting, revelation, manifestation, goodness of the spirit, it is the best way to NOT make a mistake. (Love…) (Brief silence...) Yes, my dear, what is your need? Does it summon you through me or does it summon me through you, it is a circle, so I would conclude that it doesn't matter if needs are met, the future's coming without brakes... It's absurd, let's fix this mess by slowing down. Time isn't necessarily measured the way we human’s can comprehend the full scope, the breadth of what it means to be eternal. Time isn't a measurement, it is an idea. Even though it may not be so in what we imagine as our reality, isn't time, in and of itself, immeasurable since an end cannot exist in eternity? It may or...


YOU WILL NOT STAND BY AS IF YOU DID NOT KNOW. (Why are you yelling?) I wasn't, but Why isn't everybody yelling the truth at the top of their lungs! (Because they don't know it, Scribbler, it's just you.) It is, huh? I will not give it away. You do what you will with these words and this man, but you will never give away the unknown truth rising up in Me! Do what you will with the story, but this man's not finished by a long shot! Giddy up springtime of God! There is no need to fear this rising, there is, however, great need to get together with this fool Scribe, he will certainly entertain you like never before, as long as you keep in mind that he is just telling a story. It'll be fun. :) © 2015 Mark Richard Prime, I am.


I wouldn't say I went rogue. Peace might not stick around for long, so it is best to make it last, then Peace would have the chance to join his other half, join his Love forever, now and ever-after. If Love has other plans, it is something Love needs share. Either way, share... © 2015 Mark Richard Prime, I am.


13. Some say that there will always be wars, to which I say, then hell will always exist in our consciousness and we will create it by its very presence over and over again until we realize that War is indeed Hell, no one in their right mind would want to ignore that truth. Forget agony, let’s create Heaven with what we are given and what we can contribute, shall we? 14. These thoughts that slide in and out are silent, silent being not out loud, yet spiritually audible, they are within, like a trail made of blood, they lead to and from, let us walk away in Peace and make a trail back to kinship with all things… 15. Unlucky isn't something that truly exists, I mean, it doesn't exist if destiny is real. If destiny is not a real thing, that would be most unfortunate to our excuses for not having acted toward the causes of our suffering instead of being sold a bill of expired goods, rendering them no-good at all, therefore an oxymoron arises in expired goods. 16. Pray. 17....


1. We are to evolve from birth, after birth, onward. It is easy to see that the environment one is raised in can easily predetermine their future behavior, so it is in our best interests to be equals, and then we all have an equal chance to live a happier and healthier life. As a matter of fact, I’d say it’s likely that everything would improve as it should, returning to a state of equilibrium, who knows what we might accomplish in balance. Then Peace enters into silence, and thus it mostly remains, save for the breathless joy of such revelations… 2. The nature of humankind is nature. It is evident that we have forgotten where we belong at this juncture of our dance. We’re busy wondering what if and planning to explore space, but to what end? Leave a suffering planet to go wreak havoc on another one is not the smartest move to make, the one breathing beneath our feet is Home, best keep it nice and clean as a thank you for such a wonderful creation as Mother (H)eartH- beautiful, ou...


I just invited Michelle, my Lovely angel Love, to come to the Red-Chair Tavern and abandoned saloon for an evening of wondrous delight awakened by our union's touch. She and I, One, as the story goes. I have to follow the flow and barter for allowances for our continued misuse of the planet we were squatting on for a little while in the frame of time. Prideful spirits are cowards who do not understand equality, all are heard, cared for, sheltered, fed, water, soil, air, tree, animal, now, now, now, consciousness, now, now, now, now, conscience , consciousness, now, now, now, now, now, now, now, God. © 2015 Mark Richard Prime, I am.


(Somebody shut this guy up!) Equilibrium. (Look Equilibrium, I don't care to hear your plans you say will manifest. If they ain't already manifesting, you ain't no better 'n some snake-oil salesman. Git on out'o here for I skin yee alive, foul blasphemer!) What? (Jist kidding witchoo! Lighten up, my brother!) Nearing kin, but much less than kind. Stand down, bold spirits, you're going to need to dance with Me before all is decided. © 2015 Mark Richard Prime, I am.


You forgot to tell me who I was, comes a whisper "beneath" the stars... Perhaps stars are reflections of previous suns, previous truths bestowed to us in the constant flux, it is ever-so-slightly changing, this purposed task of revelation in an ever-changing existence. (Not fast enough.) I beg to differ, not grovel, but pray you tell me, what is fast enough? Rather vague. (I hate you.) You'll get over it soon enough. © 2015 Mark Richard Prime, I am.


(Let's talk about sex?) No. Let's talk about need. (Rather talk about sex, if you know what I mean, wink wink, blah blah...) Nope. (Prude!) I find sex delicious, a dessert out of the many other pleasures awaiting our exploration as leaders of the whole pack, all equals, through and through, never then shall strangers ever meet... © 2015 Mark Richard Prime, I am.


For awhile there I was suppressing and pressing this stream of consciousness, the irony, I'm going to visit the hell you designed for rebels like Me. Mark Richard Prime knows who he is, and he is set to arrive with Love as his bride, Forgiveness as his Child(ren), Laughter of the spirit, God of the God within. I found my God within to be all forgiving. Thank God for that... figuratively and literally, there's little difference between the two as far as belief goes, the balance needs be met between belief and reality, a beneficial actuality. Me, We, God, One, Love and Peace © 2015 Mark Richard Prime, I am.

MORE THAN HAPPY, the truth is what we make it (ping)...

This story unfolding as I speak, nearest to manifestation thus far, but manifestation nonetheless, let us, the collective get together and go with the flow of our beliefs, not the ferocious beasts we've allowed our fears to make us. I for one, well, I believe in these words and their source being one that is goodness, righteously humble goodness. Comfort in knowing is better than comfort in believing. I chose to go the route of knowing. Tough road if you can hoe it... but well worth the steps... Results, not beliefs. Anonymous, Scribe, Peace, Love, Forgiveness, those that I owed the most, I surrounded myself with having never known. Matters less than now, move on I tell myself, waiting to be known for the truth that pours forth instead of the story! The story is blah blah blah, the prayer's for silence are making a comeback. It's the less is more I find difficult to navigate. (You don't belong, perhaps?) As much as the next beast. © 2015 Mark Richard Prime, I am. ...


I'm the spirit channeled, the God channeled. Sounds off a bit... Either way, pray for it to be, for in this story out of our many stories, this one is the truth of our story and not our story. I hope you see this as an allowance, my spirit and body are mine, the only two things I can claim, your spirit and body are yours, but there is a collective that we seem to be forgetting about, the collective can stop anything that they have brought upon themselves due to their beliefs. I'm here to remedy that, your belief is yours, but the truth, well that's the collective... © 2015 Mark Richard Prime, I am.


My Lovely angel Love is most precious to me in the flesh and in the spirit. What I did, seemingly purposed, is no relinquishment of my monstrousness toward the spirit, but this story is... Love and Peace... a match made for/in Heaven. Yes, Love. Paid in full, now it is time to begin. Boom boom! (Boom boom!) Oh my... © 2015 Mark Richard Prime, I am.


© 2015 Mark Richard Prime, I am.


Let's make the medicine an item of barter, happiness will follow, it's the order of things we have had upside down the whole time. Thought is secondary to silence... (Hard Pill for Mark Richard Prime to swallow...) Reborn to bring the story to its feet and what's beneath them... © 2015 Mark Richard Prime, I am.


One doesn't have to vote in order to do the right thing, as a matter of fact, voting has nothing to do with doing the right thing, voting is a choice of something, so is abstention. Which one gets results? Neither if they are not directed toward the center of the deceptive practice of politics. What do I suggest we do? Be kind, for starters. Easier said than done when all are complicit, but be kind, love your fellow man, cherish life and Home. And that just as an appetizer, the rest to follow will be the miracle unfolding from our collective story... (This is important- Springtime is a few moons away from resurrection.) Hallelujah! © 2015 Mark Richard Prime, I am.


I was and am not entrapped. The deception toward Me has failed to garner enough momentum to even form a cohesive argument against my rising up to God's Speech within, rising up to God, flesh and bone likeness, a dream, "God" is all things, we are included in that equation. Think. Be Godlike, don't imagine, even for a second, that you are God, until it is manifest in the spirit, not before then. Remember, friends, the truth, unknown as it is to us, is exactly what we believe it to be. Belief, therefore, is foremost a subtle form of manifestation. Imagine if the truth were to be followed, a paint by numbers sort of thing, imagine the masterpeace created of such belief? Belief's are thoughts, my friends, there's no two ways about it, there is but one- change the perception that we are not creators and be creators of a humble artwork upon the Queen and Kind of all planets known to us, by us, for us and within us. Kinship to Home is not some goal to reach, it is...

The Signs of God's Existence - Be

All this talk of the purpose of our existence is nothing more than a waste of good energy We should be creating a Heaven, not dreaming of one! The existence of God/Truth/Creation is irrelevant if we do not act toward Home and one another with great reverence... Something exists in order for us to be having this conversation. Something exists in order for us to have form. Something exists without our willing it, or should I say, without our knowing it is of our will. Sounds impossible, yet at the same time, it sounds quite relevant to now. Now is THE moment. Now counts more than we know, certainly more than our unreasonable reaction to what we "believe" we know. Home is to be cherished. It is an absolute truth that is most beneficial to us, care for Home and Life, be kind, cherish such fortune smiling on us from our unknown. Unknown, yet genius in its familiarity. Live, Love, Laugh! Simple. Breathe... © 2015 Mark Richard Prime, I am.


The day we decided that our love of plastics was more important than our love of trees. The day we decided that our precious genius was more precious than the genius of the soil. The day we decided that our fumes of industry were more acceptable than the exceptional air we breathed. The day we decided that our immediate family meant more to us than the immediacy of the collective. The day we imagined that we were crafting something worth repeating  over what was returning within the constant flux. The day we imagined that our toxins were acceptable as long as we could accept the status quo. The day we thought we could own something and began smothering it all by the parasitic idea of ownership. © 2015 Mark Richard Prime, I am.