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Showing posts from September 13, 2012

A Living Perfection Created

One thing at a time... First my penance for my foul consumption, then my penance to humankind, then to the spirit, and then to the Love… A living perfection created, an imperfect belief made, boom boom the heat pours in on me as we speak, the sun motioning its rays nearest my tolerance. Okay. Speak that I might heed your council on matters of Love. (Silence…) Silence is needed, silence and sun and moon and stars and love and laughter and a blossoming life! It’s a delightful dance when engaging the spirit. It moves around without restriction colliding with all loving spirits doused in the spoils of fear and Love. Turn around! She waits does Love with her bountiful lips! She asks you to bring your most loving duty uon her as well. She is the mother whom the Mother eartH does favor, so there’s very little wiggle room for me and my belief to fit snugly in the pathway we carve upon, be it in the flesh or in the spirit, our knives have need to be sheathed when pursuing the affecti...

Love is With Me

This morning feels crisp and telling of the story that is about to drift, at a fluttering pace, to the eartH's Love and I will be powerless as to what leaks from my spirit... The traffic seems muted again, as if it were in a tunnel, ears loud, noises unknowable, shriek! No! Shriek is too harsh, dreamlike feels better. Yes. Love my friends is now with me, she holds me near to her Heart(H), both, Mother and eartH… Let's create our own Heaven on (H)eartH, our Heavenly Home. What follows is anybody's guess, but rest assured it will be most loving... Oh my God, you should have known. Why did you leave me here to swill my own fears of you and you and you and you and you and you and me and you and you and you and you and you and me and you and you and you and you and you and you and… why couldn’t you reach out to me? (Stop! There is but one need from you that matters in the least, steward! Your love reflected in your use of the eartH!) Yes. (Silence…) Smoke? Has...