The right to bear arms, the right to peaceably assemble, the right to be free, the right to live and let live, sounds about right.... BEGIN Sixty-six and ninety-nine. Temperature gauges, kind of the limit of comfortability within a structure of awe and wonder, it takes a mild weather a sunny day to awaken this God in me! Tumbling for far too damned many years now, I couldn't begin to tell you that we are God and love set free when we pass this mortal globe, it is we with our thinking that must rectify the day... I was selected to Live through the hell of not knowing a damn thing straight into knowing what counts and what, in this flesh and bone world, doesn't truly matter if I wrap my head around it only to cover my eyes. I hadn't a damned clue that my past was built from my Loveless trek over the Spirit of Love upon (H)eartH... BEGIN Every prayer's a new beginning unless it's the same damn one as the one repeated without a desirable effect. Set your pray...
(The Weaver's Song)