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Showing posts from March 28, 2013


The right to bear arms, the right to peaceably assemble, the right to be free, the right to live and let live, sounds about right.... BEGIN Sixty-six and ninety-nine. Temperature gauges, kind of the limit of comfortability within a structure of awe and wonder, it takes a mild weather a sunny day to awaken this God in me! Tumbling for far too damned many years now, I couldn't begin to tell you that we are God and love set free when we pass this mortal globe, it is we with our thinking that must rectify the day... I was selected to Live through the hell of not knowing a damn thing straight into knowing what counts and what, in this flesh and bone world, doesn't truly matter if I wrap my head around it only to cover my eyes. I hadn't a damned clue that my past was built from my Loveless trek over the Spirit of Love upon (H)eartH... BEGIN Every prayer's a new beginning unless it's the same damn one as the one repeated without a desirable effect. Set your pray...