Known November 19, 2012 Better to know thy self AND know (remember) your dreams, for they are lessons in the mist... © 2012 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime read the poem
Fly! November 19, 2012 Let these words go any stranglehold you might have perceived in them, bring them up to your ears and give this fellow spirit carrier a listen, if you please. Love, peace and goodness to all and everything, especially the Heart(H) of Creation... © 2012 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime read the poem
Lines of Love November 19, 2012 These lines of Love are meant to be written since its my chosen modus operandi, a mode of operation to be at peace in my dance with the fearful spirit. Be at peace that the fear and me might dance, that we both learn a lesson from the many steps found within... © 2012 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime read the poem