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Showing posts from June 12, 2014

Memory Stay

Why does heartache have to be the thing that never goes away? Can't memories of a father's love and kindness and guidance be the thing that stays? Peace © 2014 Mark Richard Prime

Poor Man

So damned sad, this poor man. It is time to rise up as a collective and end this violence across the board! I weep and I'm sick to my stomach from our foul indifference... © 2014 Mark Richard Prime

Faith Science

I understand your take, Tim, but "faith" is not the denial of "observation" anymore than "observation" is the denial of "faith".  Having faith in our observations is not merely "scientific", it makes sense to our animal and our "advanced t hinking". You've faith in science, faith in what you observe, yes? So do I. Science does not adjust its views, we do, as the observers and the creators of scientific methods. We are observers, believers in what we see, otherwise science would make little sense and certainly serve little purpose. We are born believers, my friend. Thoughts are literally believing in something are they not? Science is the formulation of said thoughts (belief) in what is observed and what is felt to be true within them. Spirituality is the dance we cannot forgo, no matter how hard we try to avoid it, same goes for the observations of our basic existence. "Believing" in "science" is o...

Peace Pull

Amen! But don't pull them, allow them to witness the Peace within you and freely they shall enter with gladness. © 2014 Mark Richard Prime

The First Stone

Oklahoma Tea Party Candidate Supports Stoning Gay People to Death Dear Scott Esk, ---- Leviticus 19:19 Keep my decrees. Do not mate different kinds of animals. Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed. Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material. ---- Tell me, sir, where shall we all now hide from your God's wrath? Are you willing, Scott Esk, to be stoned to death as called for in your own doctrine? For instance: Blasphemy, cursing your parents? -Stoned to death. Touching Mount Sinai? -Stoned to death. Cursing in general? -Stoned to death. How about an ox that gores a human? -Stoned to death. Adultery (even rape victims failing to scream loudly)? -Stoned to death. A woman who is not a virgin on her wedding night? -Stoned to death. The man who lies with a woman who is not a virgin? -Stoned to death. Worshiping other gods? -Stoned to death. Witches and wizards? -Stoned to death. Giving your children to Molech? -Stoned to death. Break...

Symbol of Suffering

The symbol of suffering stands resolute… makes sense. I also see two trees still standing (the cross was carved from wood) and a wooden telephone pole off in the distance. Where's the church (the building)?  Think… © 2014 Mark Richard Prime

All Guilty

We're all guilty of our taxes going to pay for the bombs, tanks, planes, etc, etc. All guilty of allowing this idea of war and the warrior to flourish. We the people are complicit. It is not that we don't know this, but that we have convinc ed ourselves that somehow we are not colluding with war when we continue to pay for, buy, the products of those that support the machine (or are the machine) and say nothing. Either we're too damned lazy, spoiled, indifferent, or sightless, but there I go repeating myself. Peace, Mark, Scribe, Fool,  © 2014 Mark Richard Prime