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Showing posts from August 30, 2013

Let us Imagine

Let us imagine for a second that the (H)eartH is Heaven, shall we? What does it look like, what does it feel like, and what does it sound like? Imagine it, Heaven beneath the feet, Heaven before our eyes, Heaven. Imagine what we would think of our use of Heaven, would we be ashamed? (Silence...) Now imagine that the (H)eartH is simply Home. Do we see the same thing, feel the same thing, and hear the same thing? What of our use of our Home? Are we still ashamed of humankind's use of Home, as ashamed as we were when we imagined it as Heaven, or is our shame identical? (Silence...) Now, imagine the (H)eartH as Heavenly Home. What does it look, feel, and sound like? What of our use of our Heavenly Home? Are we still ashamed? (Silence...) Logically, one, or more, of the above scenarios is the truth. (Silence...) © 2013 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime

I am, We are Everything

I. I am. I am God. We. We are. We are God. All. All are. All are God. Everything. Everything is. Everything is God. Everything is God. Everything is. Everything. All are God. All are. All. We are God. We are. We. I am God. I am. I. Rinse, repeat... © 2013 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime

Half Naked

We sit around gawking at half naked celebrities, as if the skin covering their human bones was any less sacred than our own. We sit around laughing at those less fortunate, so why wouldn't we mock the celebrity, knock 'em down a notch or three? We sit around bitching and moaning about others, denigrating our sisters and our brothers, building our masks for shame's cover. We sit around and raise our fists to the talking box, work forty hours and mow our lawns, taxes paying for the dropping of bomb's, keeping the roads paved so we can buy more gas to keep our cars and trucks running fast polluting the air we’re lucky to have. We’re working ourselves into oblivion, for what? To die from not having water to drink, air to breathe from being too damned greedy to think? Come on people, let’s think of the earth and one another before the water gets too thick to drink, before the air gets too toxic to breathe. Love one another despite our harmless be...