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Showing posts from January 9, 2013

What Do You Expect of Me?

Talk to me my brothers and sisters, let's build this our Heaven into our desires and our loving dreams... I took the devil and brought Love all through him. no more bogeyman, no more a trance, but a full thoroated warble to the eartH and all she is! If I have stepped on any toes, I beg your forgiveness, I'm doing my best to dance my way out of hell... I may have been doing my best song and dance for far too many years now, but how else could it be, was I a danger to anyone really? No. I was, at that stage of the dance, tumbling headlong into the unknown, but not unknowable, known to any and all, the truth beats belief any day. I beg of you my Love to come with me on my journey, I feel I'm getting too far away from you. If not in motion, our thoughts must begin to digest all the truth that flows out of my hands. (Your truth?) Of course my truth, is there another truth to me? Let us all begin to dance our fullest of the Truth of who we are... If you tell me you...