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Showing posts from March 23, 2009

TUESDAY (3/24/09)

Something Wicked (or good, depending on your perspective) This Way Comes O! It moves with such cruelty, such a violent gait, it seems to breathe of a bastardized conception, less human, more beast, without love or teeth. 15 AIG execs agree to return bonus Whether millions is even comprehensible to us normal Joes isn’t the astounding thing... We’ll never see such weight, yet our hands, hands of our living, sagging low of struggle, exhausted like a sea of promises at sundown tell a different story. Suicide attack on Iraqi funeral Even the wavering spirits, the dull-hearted and brooding children are due a walk in the valley. The devotion of arid prayer brings even rainfall to grief. Accused "sleeper agent" pleads not guilty in U.S. In the slowness of our watch, our startled and clatter filled lives echo a self-imposed blunder used to smash our prattling teeth. Sunni Fighters Say Iraq Didn’t Keep Promises on ...