The idea was to acclimate with one another to achieve a peaceful existence, belief is therefore trumped by reality, it needn't be, bring them both together, united to signify to you a very real Truth found in your very own belief! If God's been waiting for us to choose for this long, God should have stepped in long before now, but not summoning Me until now, was a gamble that miraculously paid off, God'll be standing around for quite some time when it is not God we choose but the foul fear found in our creations! They've many names, Jesus, Muhammad, Krischnu, Doctrines! Every last one of them are wrong, this is the constant flux. Create it! Giddy up it and lets git `er done! When the time is ripe we shall rise to the occassion, none more so that Mark Richard Prime, who owes his use to Love and God, as the balance found in Peace. You are who you've believed you were from the beginning, God's, and since God can't be slapped on a page and drawn from imagini...
(The Weaver's Song)