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Showing posts from January 4, 2012

Love is above all, is all and cherishes all and would no more send part of Love to writhe in agony than breathe hate into our lungs.

My vision suddenly strengthens the lens of which I view the world and the perfect combination of art and eartH rise to my seeing and heaven smiles upon me with the most loving affection I’ve ever known. Who, I ask you, would forgo such an embrace? The queen come calling with her Love held like a newborn Love, again and again and again she watches her children, much to grandma and grandpa’s sorrow, believe more than you could ever know in the flesh and in our sad spirits, believe and know nothing. Love is above all, is all and cherishes all and would no more send part of Love to writhe in agony than breathe sorrow into Love.  Love is Love. Understand? If  Love is Love then where is all of man’s fear (hatred) coming from? See? Fear, hatred and want comes from man, the only advanced human-thinking animals who could ever have dreamed up hell! Yes. Make no mistake,  Love is real, it’s just that we’ve never believed in Truth. We favored deceit. Man has ...