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Showing posts from November 6, 2015


And until we cherish Home and all others before ourselves, we'll continue bleeding out. We can use our Band-Aids as solutions or we can do our duty as stewards. We can bandage our rivers by relying on filters to remove our human genius from the precious water, or we could stuff the wound with money, or cover the hole with plastic, or we might try dropping a bomb on the gaping crag to cease the bloodletting, or we could starve ourselves to death and never bleed again... Perhaps it'd be more beneficial to us as a collective if we sutured the wound with Kindness, with Love, with Forgiveness, and with a profound Peace? Makes a lot more sense than drowning in the blood of our brothers and sisters... In the blood of ourselves.~Mark R. Prime &nbsp; <a href=""><img src="" alt=""></a>&nbsp;

Grief's Process

When parents lose a child they lose an actual part of the actual living Spirit. It is these same children that if we believed as much in ourselves as they believed in us, we'd know why losing them resonates through us with a ferocity that stays. Tame the ferocity for the memory of the child in due time and there is no rule on grief's process, not metaphorically, literally. They remain as spiritual hosts and we won't forget them, that would be most tragic, even more so than the tragedy of our missing their spirit they left for us to cherish and find joy within the thoughts of them. Summon them within you, they are a most vital part to your spirit. The spirit's, my dear friends, are with us within. We can converse with their spirits, with them, these smiling cherubs praying we'll hear them calling to us from the air of Heaven. Heed the echo of all living things! Heed Life's Breathing! (Where'd you imagine you were in the echo of your tenure, a ...