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Showing posts from April 1, 2014

Dear Leaders...

For the love of Christ, you "leaders" chap my hide. You talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and- (Pot, meet kettle...) END ALL WAR is what You should be screaming to the mountain tops! Tell us that War is finished, not this "if you can't afford" crap! It's all nonsense if we do not enter in as peacemakers. End the foul charade of power and blood-lust and want and corruption and doublespeak. Give a child reason to laugh, give Mother's and Father's their children back. Give me one good reason why I should see any of you "leaders" as viable to humankind's continued existence? Lead or get the hell out of our way. Yes, Bernie Sanders, do not go to war, go to bed... and take the rest of your pals, on both sides of the aisle, with you. Peace and Love © 2014 the spirit of Love and Peace dancing through Mark Richard Prime Afterthought... I feel compelled to add that this is not anti-veteran, quite the opposite...