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Showing posts from April 18, 2012


Mark Richard Prime The overabundance of fear that I hold is mine to do away with, I created it. It is man-made and I began my ascent with great trepidation because of the possibilities I’d suffer if I fell- my family, my friends, humankind… I no longer tolerate the use of fear from myself. My self is making up for lost time, but time is in the head, not in God. I do not fear death, save where safety is undesirable over righteousness! My fear of death, and I do not, I use my fear of life, my fear of death has been vanquished by Love… It doesn't take me but a second now to remember where I am... Love, as one might imagine, has its roadblocks, much like my past transgressions, especially those that attempted to murder The Mother through my own hand or my own indifference, my own lovelessness. My destruction to the human spirit on the eartH is, in my belief, the gravest sin in the flesh that I, and all of humankind, can imagine... fear. I bring me along at my own risk, but it is...

God Has Yet to be Imagined by Humankind

( Before We Kill Each Other Over Religion from Veterans Today ) God has yet to be imagined by humankind. I make my presence known through spirit, the spirit and that which I carry of the weight of another spirit and another and another that fear latches on to like a python clinching the collective breath. And, in the end, I’m probably just cast off into the living sea or laid beneath the loving soil, life eternal, the balance paid in full, the check’s upon Heaven’s table… I am me. Love. If I weren’t Love I wouldn’t be me. There are thousands of ways to express Love without resorting to violence, without latching on to what I’m told I am, instead of what I truly am… How hard can it be to begin living amongst my fellow stewards in harmony among the same species? This is hardly freewill… this is free-fear. I must release all fears, rational or otherwise, in order to find full Love… It’s a catch22 really… This script I’m writing is being given to me, produced by the good...

Don't Shoot the Messenger

The sun’s in my breath, the moon my rest, as I wait for the next. “Who am I?” …I asked again and again until it became my prayer… By getting to know my self, who I really am, I naturally moved toward Love as I saw fit, not something else trying to make me believe the same as another. Belief is supposed to be private, coming from within to my thinking and out to my actions. That’s what I was waiting on, something was coming, and my instinct assured it. Was it me or was it the collective spirit? I took love from another and left with their love for me in my possession and off I’d go to the next, not knowing anything really. I couldn’t make it out, until I could… I don’t pretend to have any or all of the answers, I believe I’m sharing Love’s new covenant. But isn’t that up to all of the spirits of Love’s desire to unite? I’m just now learning what’s beneath my feet… Love and I are wed to one another by default. Marriage is a contract between me and Love, plain and simple. L...