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Showing posts from August 24, 2015

PRIDEFUL STORIES Pride goeth before the fall, my brothers. That's the truth of the matter that I believe I just witnessed in this video.  I believe that the "knowledge" of the man called Jesus Christ as it is written in the bible, or any other book, is one thing, but the One Truth, my brethren, is another matter entirely.  I believe Creation's story resides within the constant flux, as do all things, including we humans, so our story, logically speaking, has yet to be fully written. I humbly believe the story is meant to continue, not end or come again or be pridefully extinguished. It is now that we are to continue "creating" a story worth repeating,  not then, now and now and now. I could be wrong, of that I've not one doubt, I say with a humble righteousness.  I pray we, humankind, begin to converse of the possibilities and leave the absolutes out of it, we'll thank God we did. ...


Humanity, why, in our present age,  must one more child be silenced by rage?  We've waited so long for love!  We've wept more than enough! God, bring down your thunder upon damnable war!  Bring your lightening and silence its roar! Now! Now! Now begin! We're ready to love!  Bring your wind! We've imagined you long enough!  Begin! © 2015 Mark Richard Prime


One case of plastic bottled water and two packs of cigarillos? Way to disingenuously negotiate, Chevron! Shame on you! You needn't belittle a native peoples as you continue to willfully demean the land of all continents for you do not seem to understand the language of either.  There is but one action you should take following this lesson, Chevron; stand down your greedy agenda, for  it is to be known in all languages, none of which you seem to speak or understand... MRP © 2015 Mark Richard Prime

Prehistoric Vote

Voting is the dinosaur.  We keep doing the same thing every (s)election cycle, and, with 24/7 "news", an election cycle is 364 days longer than a politician can keep his or her "promises". And, yes, Trump is a politician worth 15 billion. But if Trump is (s)elected to be the next "puppet" to continue to divide us, "politically correct" or not, pun intended, then nothing changes, save for the letter (D or R (and/or I) associated with the "puppet".  We the People, brothers and sisters all, are being divided by those who continue to pull the strings as we imagine our (s)electoral process makes even a smidgen of an actual difference as to "who" or "what" is  the next marionette in chief...  Let's put an end to this destructive cycle and our willful participation in our own enslavement by those that profit greatly from our divisions and our ignorance before We the People become extinct... © 2015 Mark ...