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Showing posts from August 28, 2012

Acted Upon

“The spirit is alive, but we need a system that supports it fully.” If the spirit were indeed "alive", we'd have a system that fully supports it, wouldn't we? (Echo…) (Discontentment, another form of indifference if not acted upon.) Being discontent is fear topped with self awareness, and it resides outside of full Love. It is certainly not from love that discontent arises. In my opinion, that is... © 2012 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark and Michelle Prime

Boom! Boom! Boom! Answered She

The last of humankind to escape earth came crawling out of their makeshift holes to question the destruction of all within their reach. Their eyes scanned the surface of a beleaguered moon emptied of spirit, save for death’s marauding phantoms. The last of humankind came begging that Love again grant them their prayers, they pled with her to offer them one more chance at laughter’s reign, more time to make good on their promise to Love. Boom! Boom! Boom! Answered she… © 2012 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark and Michelle Prime


( Forgiveness, What's it for from Celebrate ) The eartH has, in my opinion, if not in fact, all that pertains to our needs. No more and no less… That’s a prayer worth imagining is it not? Engage your individual loving spirit, before it’s too late and you and me and I go drifting away in fear… A trilogy of sorts. Yes. It is not my intention to demean the spirit- No. Demean is too strong, I’m just climbing around the fearful spirit to get to your human belief. Relax and dance, it doesn’t have to be a nightmare of any kind, certainly not the machine we’ve crafted of our collective self? Scan, purchase, consume. Reverse that- consume, purchase and scan- Change that- purchase, scan and consume. That’s better. Too much thought went into that pointless exchange- The fears I’ve shown in you… have been countless! It was your Love that we should have been seeking and worshipping the whole time! Yes. So, we had no choice since everything was unknowable, if it...


( Laura Pelick ---  Sun and Moon art ) All this belief stuff! Let’s do what we know and stop dreaming it’s any other way until it is revealed to us! Let us make her heaven above all else we know and save the Heaven of belief a step in the divine direction… My Love, what we’re going through now will seem a feint memory if our union always remembers to love… To keep the power of Love at fullness one must always remember to love. (Sounds easy.) In theory, yes. (What, The Theory of Stupidity?) Why not, Curmudgeon? Those are words, and more importantly they are actions that mean more to we stewards of the eartH of Creation than we’ve been able to imagine, can you think of a better place to work? (You sleep, you must. Lifetime’s are no different- they literally are human evolution…) And there, I thought I was all alone with this belief… (How could you be alone when your belief is all inclusive, Rimnod?) That would mean that I am a spiritual healer? (You’re no ...


Do as you imagined before your options begin their spiral away from truth and back into belief’s fearful loving. Don’t you see? I’m you and you’re me and collectively we are Love, for how else can one explain the emotion that has us in her grasp? What will it be, fear or the fullness of the collective Love? We’re choosing both and both just ain’t gonna cut it! Fear has no place in this, our dream. It is most foul and only needs be in the instinct, not worn outward like a long blade that slices away reason… Are we the children of Creation? Then why have we not been upset at how we as a whole are treating the eartH of said Creation? We are here, so why not make the best of it instead of war and consume ourselves off the face of the eartH? War, consumption, same difference, right…? (Silence… followed by the whistle of the train.) Something’s wrong! The weight of the vehicle is on top of him! What the hell were we thinking to carve our belief’s out of fear? We are not savages! ...