To all my fellow brothers and sisters I offer nothing less than my love And to my Home I offer the sturdiest of my belief That which counts before another’s truth that I can’t see Headed for goodness, the one exactness Whatever it may or may not be, it's trackless Not for me to imagine in the least Since I cannot know, I’d be wrong, see So I am trying my best at just being Me More should try themselves on for size At what they find they might be surprised O, Let it go Let of what you cannot possibly know Come along before it’s too late Might as well be Love beats the hell out of hate Boom boom Dance and sing the heart’s satisfaction Dance beneath the sky Laugh with a child’s reaction Remember three words "I Love You" No need to cry my brother, my sister Only need rejoice in Home In kinship to one another, father and mother Life rising up to greet us with a kiss on the cheek Inheriting the (H)eartH, it’s not just for the meek It’s for those who...
(The Weaver's Song)