(Pic from Awaken Past Lives - Self-Love ) It may sound familiar, but I've crafted a new layer of Love within it. I hope you find this prayer worthy of repeating... __Anonymous The end and the beginning are unseen. It is life’s mystery. I needn't concern the self with the hereafter I need concern myself with the now. "Time" is irrelevant... The ark has set sail at last. I rejoice at your great fortune! The eartH waits on me if I’ll but believe… This game has been afoot longer and more times than I care to imagine, than I've hope of remembering, yet I must, and it is beyond the frame of human, beyond the man-made thing called time- Tick tock goes the fool late for the truth again... Overtime! How many is hard to imagine, but this one is my chance to make it Home without suffering anymore at my craven hands. Love, awaken! Love, awaken! Love come forth that you might heal my wounds and offer another breath to worship what’s known deep inside my soul! Op...
(The Weaver's Song)