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Showing posts from September 25, 2017


I'll take a knee where I am. I am a Peacemaker that Love's the warrior, yet detests the war. I am a Peacekeeper, and I will kneel and/or stand in solidarity with those who can't, for any reason. The warrior also fought for our freedom to take a knee in grievance that we might recognize all as equal to ourselves and to defend against "enemies", both foreign and domestic. There are many warriors that agree with those kneeling and who themselves are taking a knee, on and off the field of play, since they fought and died for our and their own right to do so. United... States, not a divided people's, but a United People. A divided house does not kneel or stand... it falls. Let us then assure that we unite in the cause of One human collective... God bless all... Love and Peace © 2017 Mark Richard Prime


Maybe if we stopped being so prideful about such things and used our "advanced" thinking to feed, clothe and shelter all in need, to cleanse our foul toxins from the source of our creations, to stand up or kneel for those who can't, maybe then we'd truly understand our growing selfishness and our massive ignorance to what is actually important to our subsistence... Home, Life, Love, Peace, Forgiveness, Laughter, Freedom, and Truth... © 2017 Mark Richard Prime


They should know a wall is a divider and not a uniter. They should know that people are alike more than different. They should know that wars are about money/power/resources and not about people. They should know that taking a knee is giving voice to those without. They should know how privileged they themselves are to be able to afford to travel around our beautiful paradise. They should know that we are a loved people's, despite our allowances. They should know all of these things and more about the collection of Life and the great and varied beauty of the (H)eartH and its collection of things with breath. I am sure many of them do, yet not all...yet. © 2017 Mark Richard Prime


We are the people... we are the government of our allowances. All Trump is doing is following a script and being dangled like a puppet to separate the wheat from the chaff...the extremists from the docile and indifferent. Trump's just the latest puppet, yet not the master. It has been happening for quite some time now, a slow coup over the people toward our own enslavement, yet the revolution is underway in the Spirit and will soon enter with our actions... © 2017 Mark Richard Prime


I think any "business contract" protection is problematic in that the denial of free speech in a profit driven system can cause graver damage to individual freedom than one might imagine. The very idea of a contract demanding one do something that is NOT constitutionally required is a dangerous principle if applied to any business contract, especially that of a powerful, easily recognizable, and televised business... of any kind. © 2017 Mark Richard Prime