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Showing posts from October 11, 2010

Of My Path (11th Violent Verse of 2010)

(click to enlarge)  Center for Nonviolent Solutions ~ Characteristics of a nonviolent campaign: ▪ respect for the opponent/everyone involved- ▪ care for everyone involved- ▪ refusal to harm, damage or degrade people- ▪ if suffering is inevitable, willingness to take it on yourself rather than inflict it on others ▪ belief that everyone is capable of change- ▪ appeal to the opponents' humanity- ▪ recognition that no one has a monopoly of truth, so aims to bring together our 'truth' and the opponents' 'truth'- ▪ understanding that the means are the ends in the making, so the means have to be consistent with the end- ~ And I told them, since goodness flows from my pores through fiery passion and underneath the feet of humanity, I shall alter my course to tunnel out from failure, irrigating the roots of my blossoms. All around me I remember, recall kinship, my connection with those I see. I did not expect adoration to be waiting ahead of me, I imagine...