COUNTRY VALUE December 03, 2016 I value my country as much as I value all countries made up of people. Expression is the freedom, the one that lights us from the inside out, but that's not the way a flag works, a flag works from the outside in, quite the notable difference... © 2016 Mark Richard Prime read the poem
BURNING ACT December 03, 2016 Burning the flag is not an act of treason, the one symbol that we fly that declares itself burnable is the flag, so it would be far too great of an irony were it not. © 2016 Mark Richard Prime read the poem
VERY DEFINITION December 03, 2016 Definitions are words slung on a wall and whatever stuck, stayed, what didn't, fell away... © 2016 Mark Richard Prime read the poem
BACKWARD DEFINING December 03, 2016 It's the definition that holds us back, especially in a spiritual sense. The heart of the journey is in the seeking and not the definition found or imagined... Hope is the child, and we're all children... that's a lot of hope. © 2016 Mark Richard Prime read the poem
BELIEVING IT December 03, 2016 Are hopeful and disbelieving nearest to the same thing, the first function of Creation, to consider something other than itself? It might sound counterproductive, but it's not, for it is the product of... It is the child that should be most sacred among us, the products of... It is so simple! Ain't it? © 2016 Mark Richard Prime read the poem
REASON FOR December 03, 2016 It's not prophecy coming true, it's the nature of money being the root and humankind being the seed that now unfolds. Change. Radical change to our business as usual model... © 2016 Mark Richard Prime read the poem
GET OUT December 03, 2016 I say have it out, let it go, honesty beats the status quo, not politenesses that are indifferent to the unfolding fiasco... © 2016 Mark Richard Prime read the poem
PRICE CHECK! December 03, 2016 What's the price we ask? Is that even relevant, price? Why? And can it be any price, in other words, at what price does it become relevant? © 2016 Mark Richard Prime read the poem
BALANCE December 03, 2016 How do we balance what we're born to be with what we allow of our becoming it? © 2016 Mark Richard Prime read the poem
MUST DO December 03, 2016 Of all the things we must do, cutting down another tree isn't one of them. Replant and continue smiling. Then some day soon we'll all be talking about how hemp taught humankind to stop chopping down trees... © 2016 Mark Richard Prime read the poem
STARDUST AND MORE December 03, 2016 We are things made of stardust and water, soil and sky, food and air, but mostly, water. It's simple. We just forgot how easy the truth is to master in the now. Ready, set, truth be told. ~ © 2016 Mark Richard Prime read the poem