LARGER DEBATE September 04, 2016 PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE'S AND OUR WATCH PARTIES The very idea that this is an occasion that calls for a celebration is merely a symptom of the larger problem we face; our inability to grasp that we're repeating the same miserable mistake again and again... © 2016 Mark Richard Prime read the poem
LOVEnCHERISH September 04, 2016 God loves and cherishes all, bars none. (There is Eternal suffering waiting if one doesn't know and worship [insert name]!) You might want to ask yourself who's eternity exactly...? (Silence...) © 2016 Mark Richard Prime read the poem
THOROUGH THINKING September 04, 2016 We're not thinking clearly or thoroughly when and if we decide to take another's soul (story) as our own and profit instead of literally be the prophet... The lies in that scenario are found in the echo of now... © 2016 Mark Richard Prime read the poem