Bring the bridle of Love's creation and you‘ll find eternity! Soon after the horse gallops, kind magician, bring forth your peace and Love and joy, your eternity? Wave your wand, bend your knee, clasp your hands, rock back and forth, bend in obedience to that which you cannot know, to that which gallops like the horse, might we raise our cries to grant this wish, this dream of our making, of our making! Oh! Come! The time is nigh! We must begin the journey's end and our walk backwards, away from the edge of madness and into the arms of Love! (Now!) Now, away from the edge of Love. Stave off your hell, it fast approaches… Loving children all! Listen to her moan, her cello bleeding out her Love, his sound, murmuring our haste. Pray we lift Love’s eyes upon our joy, our delight at having found ourselves in heaven, Love‘s creation! It’s all Love! It is Love! Inside all of us, drop your pride and wars and hypocrisies, and for the Love of Love, ...
(The Weaver's Song)