( The Federation of Light - Artwork ) Okay. She’s my Love. My Love is my Love. She is what I must hold most precious, woman, mother, child, womankind, childkind, eartHkind, mankind, humankind, kindkind, motherkind, lovingkind, laughingkind, all kind. I must produce Love before I begin to produce life, otherwise what’s the point? My Love had come out all backwards, like a book meant to read that way, from end to beginning. I should be on the eartH without shame, save for the shame of how I've treated heart and home. What I do in this world is mine to choose. I've chosen to hold the earth as my heavenly home, in reverence to her Love... Be humble, Mark Richard Prime. Bow to Love’s eartH, there is no shame in it. I believe that there is only Love, Love to be found when she isn’t too busy cleaning up my foul use of her loving ground. I am guilty as charged for treating my Love and the eartH as if they were exp...
(The Weaver's Song)