I know I’m in heaven, I believe it, what’s the difference? I love another, I care for the eartH, what’s the difference? I’m hearing the traffic against my will, something brought me back. I’m courting Love’s favor and she’s responding in kind to my belief. The world is sacred and I Love for the sake of Love though it may return with a current that, if I am going to be honest, might get rougher than seems due, it’s not enough for the squander of Love I’ve aided in slathering across her surface and her air. (Oh, relax. You’ll live through it… it is eternity.) There is no eternal hell, unless I keep returning to do the same thing lifetime after lifetime after lifetime. I will hold no more the scars of foul deeds. Emerge the one that reins as Creator, I don’t will it, it wills me, and I am no fool, even in my questionable head. (Questionable must mean you’re a thinking beast who chose instead to believe, which led to conclusions like the one’s found in humankind’s unknowable st...
(The Weaver's Song)