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Showing posts from September 6, 2012

The Dream of Hell

The dream of hell I readily discounted, for if this belief is that of only love, agony hasn’t room to lay its head. Suffering isn’t anything but natural change, adaptation, evolutionary lines moving our bodies, our skin down, in the neverend of returning to her bosom. What lies ahead? I do not know, save for the victory of Love… © 2012 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark and Michelle Prime

The Breeze Stumbles

The breeze stumbles quickly in and comes face to face with the traffic roaring along this frame, this moment, this now and now and now and now and it fades into my belief as if it’s following along with the story-line, dancing, as it were… It is. It is. (It is?) Yes. It is. Along with grass, the tree, the soil and the tide, the bird and bug and hound, the spirit of Love personified. It’s we! We are to rise up on her behalf and cleanse the (H)eartH of our trangressions! We must stop our half-hearted measures and truly rise up and be counted! © 2012 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark and Michelle Prime

Rejoice that She is Forgiving

Rejoice that she is forgiving, we should be forgiveness personified! Stand up and be personified! Personification in triplication and quadruplication- externalization- boom boom! The drum in that is frantic that we begin a loving dance… © 2012 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark and Michelle Prime

The Brightest Star

The brightest star is always drawing its own light from the next and the next and the next and the next and the next and the next and the- Humankind should be aware that they too are the vessels that carry the light of their purpose… © 2012 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark and Michelle Prime

WE Might Be Guaranteed

Just a thought... WE might be guaranteed the totality of what we believe by the totality of what we know... and that may well prove problematic if we continue to destroy that which is beneath our feet... © 2012 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark and Michelle Prime

Dancing With the Spirit

( Red eartH Museum - Spirit Dance - BAM's Blog ) Dancing with the spirit is a matter of timing, or so I've come to find out. I may be dancing with the spirit of another while in the presence of another, the dance cards old, but the belief I let breathe, then I remove the fear within it and release the spirit back into a loving belief and so on. It dances in me and I'm dancing in Love. The way it was meant to be for me, loving, kind, good, giving and peaceful- forgiveness is my Lovely Love’s most stunning gift and I’m absorbing that there is no doubt, in my belief… © 2012 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark and Michelle Prime

Pieced Together the Puzzle

Whew, I almost bit off more than I could chew with that one. I have tumbled long enough now, now I’m swimming with a combined belief system that is beneath us all, in our “me’s”. (No. Not your “mini-me’s”… but in a pinch?) I pieced together the puzzle locked tight beneath our fear and this comes pouring out of me, of all, if we’ll but sense the tide for Home. O! Rise up and be heard! Your whimpering is of no use to your beholden, or to life, love and laughter… Believe in her your Heavenly Home, and reign in the other beliefs before they give you exactly what you believingly bargained for… © 2012 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark and Michelle Prime

This is Heavenly Home

This is Heavenly Home. Weep! Weep! Weep for the crime and lift up the criminal! Weep for the sin and lift up the sinner! Do not turn away from their countenance as if you see yourself as some singular God outside of the whole and dismissive of another’s existence! It is not a game, I mean, sure, it has its similarities (and maybe it is, I don’t know) to a game, but game implies you yourself are not actually in control of your own reality. Damn… (If you’re a character in a video game, what does that leave the rest, Rimnod?) The next one and the next one and the next one and the next one and the next one and the next one and the next one and the next one and- it does matter! It is who we were born to be, believers not knowers. We were meant to bring our most exquisite belief… so I asked to dance with the spirit of another and another and another and another whose spirit I might reach… © 2012 the spirit of Love & Peace dancing through Mark R. Prime

Let Us Rumble Our Love

( A Hug Goes a Long Way - art by worldofoddy from Lomography ) Let us rumble our Love, not our guns. Let us trumpet our Love not our fear. Let us Love as if our very lives not only depended on it, but were beholden to it and with little choice but to adapt to the evolving Home. What would we be? It was solely up to us what we evolved into. The way I see it there are two choices, be a child of and friend to the (H)eartH or be her foe, destined to be fully absorbed by Creation's spirit. Let us begin to adapt to our surroundings as if they were a part of us… © 2012 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Prime

She’s Absorbing Me

( eartH Loving from The Eco Goddess Temple ) I’m listening. I hear your song my Lovely HeartH- and the bird chimes in right on time. Sublime! She’s absorbing me. I’m absorbing into her. One. Sublime… This is my reality and this, it does seem, has been happening a very long time, perhaps lifetimes of death and dance. I do not know, but when it’s revealed to me I will summon its truth to the highest peaks of imagination! © 2012 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark and Michelle Prime