Be in belief, just don’t get trapped inside of it… Adventure! Rise up and walk the walk, return to Love forthwith and bring her your fullness of courage, truth and forgiveness! Love, love, love, love, Love! You don’t need directions, you need to get to moving again on the pathway to full Love… (Silence…) The wind just spun in with her whisper on my legs, she pleads I reconsider any journey that speaks of God as if God was familiar… (The only thing familiar is beneath your feet, Mark Richard Prime!) And before my eyes, her children writhe as well! Oh dear Mother, won’t you bring your fullness of Love and leave our toxins behind, create a new way of thinking, a new way of bringing your children together in their evolution of sight… It is not me, they want, it is her, my Love. They shall not have her, but they had best get to pleasing her or she’ll rise up and send them packing with the wind! Boom boom boom boom! Splat, listen for the Laughter in that! (Life, Laughter and ...
(The Weaver's Song)