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Showing posts from September 18, 2009

Thirteenth September Song

The Three Top Sins Of The Universe On Tuesday September 11, 2001 , at least 35,615 of our brother and sisters died from the worst possible death, starvation. Somewhere around 85% of these starvation deaths occur in children 5 years of age or younger. Why are we letting at least 30,273 of the most beautiful children die the worst possible death everyday? Every 2.43 seconds another one of our fellow brothers and sisters dies of starvation. Starvation doesn't ju st happen on Tuesday September 11, 2001, it happens everyday, 365 days per year, 24 hours per day, it never stops. Terrorize me. Do not starve me. Bring terror booming. Lightening quick would be the best, I’d rather not notice than be eaten away, bent for darkness come again and again. The dead could lay at my feet curled up like kittens and I with them, contented and liberated of hunger’s fee, a wretched, agonizing, empty death beneath my flesh. Terror long before I blanch of famine, water the flower before it wilt...