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Showing posts from November 17, 2014


I say voting has become a voiceless shell of itself in this atmosphere of the majority of we the people not voting. Perhaps just like these votes I've seen in congress where, despite a majority voting FOR the measure, it is struck down because a specific % wasn't reached in order for the measure to be recognized. Talk about a vote that doesn't count... Since the majority are indeed supposed to rule, then the vote of no confidence has already been rendered. How many times now has it been rendered without even so much as an understanding of this fact from those that were "not elected" by the majority? And the results of our most recent election? Did they satisfy the majority of people? No. Why? No confidence. Did it satisfy the majority of voters? Yes, but who were these voters? The minority. When enough of us understand this fact, we will begin to rid ourselves of a system that is failing and then form a new, more vibrant collective of thought, a collective ...