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Showing posts from December 23, 2014


I believe in God, am I not a true believer simply because I don't follow the ancient story of great suffering? (You have to follow the teachings of Christ in order to get into Heaven, brother.) The son of God has me as a brother, timid spirit, and I am carrying him up the mountain of writhing snakes and darkness. We're all the sons and daughters of God. Jesus isn't alone with that distinction my friend. It is a slippery slope to imagine it otherwise, at least it is in my belief. I am glad you have your belief, good for you, brother. Good for you. Me? I'm kind of busy being a savior to the savior, he's been on that foul cross for far too many centuries! (You might be going to Hell, I'm pretty sure you are.) Where am I right now? (What do you mean?) Where are you and I if not where we believe we are? (Huh?) I believe I'm in Heaven as we speak and you just told me I was going to Hell which is the absence of God. I'm the one that should be c...


So there's a Heaven for some, but not for all of God's children? Speaking of slippery slopes. (For us true believers, there's a Heaven, for them other ingrates, there's eternal damnation, which is simply the absence of God.) How can something that is absent of God still exist? (Huh?) I mean if God is the creator of all things great and small and Hell is not a part of God in the least, it does not exist, or at least logically speaking it can't. (That makes sense. Uh oh.) © 2014 Mark Richard Prime


Post by Revolution News . Shame on the Israeli government. All free peoples must stand for an end to the Palestinian people's horror. This tactic is the least of those that the Israeli government uses against them. Demand that not one more penny be sent to the genocidal government of Israel, not one more gun, tank, bomb, jet, nothing until they cease their terror campaign against the people's of Palestine. © 2014 Mark Richard Prime


The "fact" is, our mind begins the process of "thinking" when we are born, therefore, “training” should be seen as an inner discipline, a natural process, which means "education" is an external contrivance which has the potential to be either a benefit to those being “educated” or an interference to the process of “thinking”. Ergo, “education” must always be a tool that benefits the (H)eartH and the collective humanity simultaneously… or it must be done away with altogether. © 2014 Mark Richard Prime


In actuality (the fusion of reality and belief) the largest living spirit known to us is the (H)eartH. It can be sensed- seen, heard, felt, tasted and smelled. We, humankind, have traipsed upon its Heavenly ground from the beginning, had we recognized the spiritual that moves within us is truly in constant flux with what's outside, we'd have given praise to Home and Sky instead of use our genius to attempt to destroy them both. We are supposed to give voice to the silent song within which brings us to dance and we are supposed to cherish what is given without asking for anything in return, air, water, soil, sight, nature's delight. The mistake humankind made, we began to think too much of ourselves individually and in groups (an animal thing) which led us to imagine an ownership over, instead of simply being a part of the collective whole of existence. Had we remained in touch with our inner spirit, we would never have spoiled the outer. Yes, there is one Spirit and we ca...


© 2014 Mark Richard Prime


© 2014 Mark Richard Prime