I believe in God, am I not a true believer simply because I don't follow the ancient story of great suffering? (You have to follow the teachings of Christ in order to get into Heaven, brother.) The son of God has me as a brother, timid spirit, and I am carrying him up the mountain of writhing snakes and darkness. We're all the sons and daughters of God. Jesus isn't alone with that distinction my friend. It is a slippery slope to imagine it otherwise, at least it is in my belief. I am glad you have your belief, good for you, brother. Good for you. Me? I'm kind of busy being a savior to the savior, he's been on that foul cross for far too many centuries! (You might be going to Hell, I'm pretty sure you are.) Where am I right now? (What do you mean?) Where are you and I if not where we believe we are? (Huh?) I believe I'm in Heaven as we speak and you just told me I was going to Hell which is the absence of God. I'm the one that should be c...
(The Weaver's Song)