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Showing posts from August 19, 2013

The Owl

The owl began its low note and captured my attention with its claim to me, beseeching that I heed the (H)eartH’s cry that she might then unveil her full and heavenly Love. Oh! Let me seek her voice always so as to breathe in Me evermore! Cry, O river! Cry that we and thee might breathe together without the ode of suffocation, but instead, liberate this eternal Life! O cry, soil, rock and tree! Cry for Love’s majesty! Cry, over the eartH, God’s Creation! Cry! Each and every nation, cry out loud! Bring the roof of your worship down to join the floor! No more this madness let slip into the living’s midnight! Let her go! Take your paws off of her throat and kindly lift her wings that she might float! © 2013 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime

Nature's Talk

The coolness of the stream, the speech of the water, the tongue's of the rocks, the truth of nature's talk. Hello, it seems to say. Won't you cherish Me in your plans? Come along now, child, it's time We had our dance... I obey and sit upon the mighty throne, the truth of who I am, the gravity of my place, the waltz with nature's grace, a ballet set to sight and sound, a play of grand proportions upon the staging ground, an epic tale of time without the need for clocks, of Love's delight and Peace's humble walk, Forgiveness in the water, Laughter in the air, talking with a truth holding Life with great care. The coolness of the stream, the speech of the water, the tongue's of the rocks, the truth of nature's talk. Hello... ~ "The Place Where They Cried" — at Crystal Bridges Walking Trail. © 2013 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime

Fire Extinguisher

(You don't believe in Hell?) No. (But it is in the word of God?) Hell is in the word? (Yes.) Then might I suggest you remove the corrupting influence of man from all aspects of your thinking. (What? How dare you tell me that the word of God is corrupted?) That is not what I said. Hell is not of God. It is repugnant to Love, Forgiveness, Peace and Laughter, to Life. Is it not? Isn't it the absence of God? (Yes!) Then hell does not exist at all. (How do you-) If God is absent of Hell then it must be the fearful creation of man. (No! God gave us a choice! Freewill, buddy! You can choose to believe or not!) Then I choose to not believe in hell, my friend. My question is why do you believe in it if God is not a part of it in the least? (Silence...) © 2013 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime


We are as rooted as the tree. Of that we certainly agreed. She spoke confidently, I heard, like the water finds its groove, I sensed her belief. Like the root senses water, the river its current, the wolf its night, the mother her daughter. We are rooted as the tree. Home’s where we begin, Love’s where we breathe, Peace, our sacred endeavor, Forgiveness, born in us at birth, Laughter’s the body’s elixir. Rejoice, our Christ is near, God’s rooted within You and Me, in We, not unlike the tree… © 2013 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime

End to War

( Peace Pact at Roots Action ) "We support local, state, national, and international legislation that would make August 27th a holiday in honor of the Kellogg-Briand Pact, also known as the Peace Pact, that was signed on this date in 1928. The International Pact which renounced war as an instrument of national policy and committed nations to settling disputes exclusively by peaceful means was passed into U.S. law in 1929 with only one Senator in opposition. The co-authors were Republican Secretary of State Frank Kellogg from Minnesota and French foreign minister Aristide Briand. Kellogg won the Nobel Peace Prize, and the Pact is still U.S. and International Law." No. Do not make it a holiday,  make it a lifetime of remembrance,  a reminder forevermore that war holds no sway  over humankind's allegiance with Peace... © 2013 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime

Talk of Money

All this talk of money, as if it makes the world go ‘round? The irony is that money is the root of our malevolence abound. The contradiction- Money’s the cause of our sightless shame, the source of our woes, the foundation of the fire’s flame. We need remember the exactness of why we’re here at all, consider the human function and commit ourselves to the call. Instead of chitchatting so much of foul money’s need, let’s sincerely converse of humankind’s original seed. Please consider what you need before considering what you want, the difference could not be clearer, the distinction more important, want comes with gleaming teeth honed by money’s greed, need comes with the breath fulfilled by nature’s seed. Think. © 2013 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime

All This Talk

What’s all this talk of God AND our Wants? What’s all this talk of Creation AND our Haunts? What’s all this talk of War AND the Prince of Peace? What’s all this talk of Hell AND Heaven’s streets? What’s all this talk of Love AND Fear’s gnashing teeth? What’s all this talk of Forgiveness AND foul Revenge? What’s all this talk of Suffering AND Laughter’s lenience? What’s all this talk of Money AND our Freedom’s reach? What’s all this talk of Truth AND the natter of Deceit? What’s all this talk of Prayer of the Self AND not a word for All? STOP! © 2013 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime

Expect Me

Expect Me, sense We, Love and Peace are on their way, I breathe, I breathe. Expect Love, sense Peace, Me and We are on the way, I plead, I pray. © 2013 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime

Empty Buildings

Let us fill the empty buildings with humans in need of shelter, let us bring them food, water, clothing, the essentials to live in dignity, let us show them and their children that humanity is alive and well, let us end our foul want, subdue our greed and act upon our emptiness. Let's begin to think! For the love of God, let us think! Let's think FOR ourselves and OF others. Let's love and assure that our hearts are not empty and theirs are not abandoned... © 2013 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime