( Chris Keeney | Into the Light ) Oh Love! Now! The time is now to love! For love I must hold the earth most precious and be in awe of her moon, I've not much room to talk, but the spirit's muse is dancing to a different tune! I suggest I heed her call and never forget I'm a child of love, that I might smile upon her as long as I breathe… End all wars! End all murder of the earth! End all folly before all breath is taken away! I must listen. She is gravely ill and needs my aid before her breath comes full force with all her weight and her acid tears fall upon my head. Am I listening? Am I listening? Am I listening? It is time… Love demands me to act, yet the earth still suffers… I feel more anguish for my part in her looming death than for all of the other grief I’ve caused or carried. I love each of you my brothers and sisters and I will not tarry. If this and that are what I choose to be, bless you and shame on me....
(The Weaver's Song)