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Showing posts from October 28, 2016


("Spin is sometimes dismissed as a simple euphemism for lying. But it's actually something more insidious: indifference to the truth. —Michael Kinsley, Time, 25 Dec. 2000–1 Jan. 2001") --------- This apathy toward what is true is a dis-ease of our own echo. Fear of the truth is wrongheaded. Spinning the lie is indifference, not just indifference to the truth, but the blatant use of it for the sole purpose of enslavement of ideas, so that the truth is enslaved along with us... Rise with the truth, it is the pathway to true freedom... Me © 2016 Mark Richard Prime


The many uplifting stories of human medicine need be told. Give voice to your own power, then raise the truth in freedom, that all might know and remember. Set your own example to its fullness, then there will be no doubt. The voice is an infinite resource in a finite glimmer, use it! When we take our own voice back from the slavers, we give speech to our brothers and sisters... Living, Loving, Laughing Medicine for the masses Me, We © 2016 Mark Richard Prime


There is no devil there is only we, there is no devil, at least none we can see, but look in a mirror and you're looking at two fear and GodLove face to face within the thing that is you, what's within the human race. There is no such thing as Hell that awaits us, it is we that are to choose Heaven! Rejoice at such a truth establishing itself as a savior to the savior and then to all... Me, We © 2016 Mark Richard Prime


It's like we're ricocheting down the canyon We used to see one another as One Family Now we imagine we're called upon the warring path- stand down prideful schemer, you are the one that needs to wake up, young spirit... © 2016 Mark Richard Prime


When did we stop questioning our existence? Are we truly happy with our collective behavior, our fear marching inland toward the children? We need to be in reality, molding an actuality that works with the unfolding and not against! Stop memorizing bloody history! It's called "history" for a damn good reason. Daft! The whole lot of us! Why don't we fix it? (Silence and Guilt.) Indifference and Shame. (Yup.) © 2016 Mark Richard Prime


Fear not any inferior ruling Change it without the master's consent! Masters are a dime a dozen, same with slaves. You allow yourself to be held back, rise up and throw off these shackles they've placed on the peacekeepers! Rise up with great affection upon the whole, rise up and BE FREE! ... If it won't come from a vote, then we must begin in earnest to speak and act like the sovereign creature we are. ~Me © 2016 Mark Richard Prime


When the people are up against the corporate wall it is time to show them once and for all that WE are FREE! Sovereign as the day we were born! That is when the dance with the Spirit begins. ~Me, We © 2016 Mark Richard Prime