Either way… this is God. God and Love are one, a union of Life. (Careful you don’t write your own obituary. Let her go! She is most ready to use her motherly instinct, instead of smiling upon her children’s suicidal pact with themselves, who you are, who you were born to be, what you’ve always been, Love…) Yes. It’s all his and hers, this tunnel vision toward the ultimate love is the desire of the collective’s one exactness. (Love, Life and Laughter! This is not just belief, it is real, Love the 100%! Shout your songs to the eartH, she waits for you to just be with her. Just be. Don’t you owe her the greatest Love one can imagine? She is waiting on you to smile! She’s been waiting hundreds of miles, thousands of miles, to hear Love’s song… Love! Sing Love to the rafters, to the stars and back Home! ) Rat-a-tat-tat, hear the urgency in that?! God’s rumble and her quake, instinctual tears of untainted water, loving angels dancing with Love, Life and Laughter, the three most ch...
(The Weaver's Song)