The use of children to further an agenda that you might have is a cheerless use of Love… Would you classify me as daft as a fox? (You mean sly. It’s sly as a fox, scribe.) No. I meant daft, I’m not a fox. But now that you mention it? (Silence…) When I write these words I am not thinking, I am reacting to the dance of the loving spirit. I interact with people and their spirit’s and mine automatically dance to a loving belief, which is tethered to my newborn spirit which is within the spirit of Love. The spirit's are laughing and crying and praying for Love! They are we, who we all, as one, are meant to be! Not as any number of our individual selves- but, within that scenario lies the truth, you see, the one exactness of humanity’s need- a loving balance, physical and spiritual balance. Home meets Love. Truth meets Spirit and Life finds its balance. (And they all lived happily ever after, I’m sure…) Life, dear loving spirit, is a stability to be found, not painted ...
(The Weaver's Song)