An absurd play about family values and an Iraq War vet.... As the audience files in they see a humble dining room table center. Three humble chairs. Three plates and three sets of silverware. The Dixie Chicks “I’m Not Ready to Make Nice” begins to play, timed to end as houselights and stage fade out. The stage is dark as the last of the song filters through the theatre. Silence. The phone rings. After the third ring it is answered by CHRISTINE. We hear her voice in the dark. CHRISTINE: Hello? Hey, Carla! …Yes! Craig’s back! He arrived today! Yes! Oh! Yes! …What? …No. No. He is. Yes. Of course, when have you known my football star brother not to look good? Yes. I know. I know what you meant. It’s just hard to talk about, ya know? Yes. …No! You can’t talk to him! …Downstairs. I don’t know. No. Yes. Everyone is very excited to have him back. What? Yes. I talked to him. No! I’m not going to ask him to tell me what happened and I suggest you don’t either. I’m serious, Carla. I am. Don’t...
(The Weaver's Song)