The shroud of perspective is a grotesque mask worn to cover the shame in our prejudice... ~ The meek shall inherit the earth and- Could this mean that I will inherit the earth alone? Yet am I meek? I believe I'm Me, the flip-side to any We in the vicinity of the Holy Word of God, Me, a mere peasant in the game... I am Mark R. Prime, and we, the collective, are in need of this particular unfolding speech, not of my thoughts alone, a just method for giving rise to my own rising as it relates, now get this, to We. I call that a conundrum, not for me but for we... I am. Now let's get together! I ask because I, as Me, am instructed to. The flip-side ain't so bad, if you understand only too well whom you're dancing with. Ready ~ One plus One equals One. (Nature's mathematics...) ~ The media's use of the word "attack" when it comes to the politicians versus their political opponents is a rather dismal way to frame a democratic process. Dismal...
(The Weaver's Song)