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Showing posts from December 22, 2014


Come on, dear people of this world… let's maintain our grip on our present reality. There is no great big horde of people out there who despise another for saying Merry this or Merry that or Happy that or Happy this or Happy Holiday or Merry Christmas or Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa, or pick your flavor. I pray we end the madness of demanding that our rightness, our righteousness, is the “Truth”. And I pray we end the madness long before all of our “rightness”, bar none, is shown to be, without question, wrong. I don’t know, but I believe beyond doubt that it would behoove us to consider what is beneath our feet as Heaven and that those before us are angels, all, and that all living things are to be cherished, and, I believe, we must do so soon, before we put the final touches upon a Hell of our own creation. (But, just before that last, didn't you pray for all to end the madness of thinking they’re right?) Yes. (Silence…) © 2014 Mark Richard Prime


----"The army and people of the DPRK [Democratic People's Republic of Korea] are fully ready to stand in confrontation with the U.S. in all war spaces including cyber warfare space to blow up those citadels," said the statement, which was attributed to North Korea's top policymaking institution, the National Defense Commission. The statement did not provide further details of the threatened attacks. Pyongyang has a long history of issuing ominous warnings to other nations.---- __ World Post End all war and plans of war, spilled the rain! End all revenge and plans of revenge, boomed the thunder! End all lies and plans of deceit, strafed the wind! End all treacherous plans, slashed the lightening! End your attack of Home, quaked the (H)eartH! (Boom boom!) War is not humankind's to master, Serenity comes before, not after. What must we put between parenthesis? Nothing less than (Love and Peace)… © 2014 Mark Richard Prime