I’m Anonymous. The answer came as fast as needed glancing off my thoughts like a premonition, a beautifully painful and wonderfully invented belief. I’m being reeled in by love. What was month by month, then week by week, now has risen to day by day and I couldn’t be more overjoyed! I’m you and you’re me and all other animals, the mountain and the forests and the water and the soil, and all things known and unknown. I've met many spirits upon my walk. The good, the bad and the ugly. I needed them all to further me, to quench the spirit’s dancing in me, to lift me high enough to recall who I was. She found me there and I will no longer pretend that I don’t know. Love, forgive me for taking so long to trace my way back to you, back home! Shame upon any one of you if you stand in the way... The idea of belief being such a weapon is quite familiar to me. ...Careful what you choose. Make it entirely about love, and you will have given love cause to rejoice. Peace, love and ...
(The Weaver's Song)