* This is the echo within Me. The "you" to whom I speak or that is spoken to, is Me, as it, I believe, was meant to be... * ...If you want to hear the truth of other people, you can only look to you, then as a part of them all. Don't judge another as you imagine they should be, don't look at them as if you're better, don't mock them for their life, their choices, their pitfalls, their sins, their fame, their fortune, their self-made bubble, their language, their walk, their talk, their education, their ignorance, their job, their title, their physical attributes, their swagger, their disheveled gait, their bravado, their silence, or their dis-ease, first look to your own. Look within yourself and ask, am I better than those I see? Ask a question that is relevant to who you are, who you've allowed yourself to become. Look within to that spirit that walks and talks through you every day. Not Jesus, not God, not Buddha, not Krishna, not Vishnu, not All...
(The Weaver's Song)