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Showing posts from May 31, 2008

SATURDAY (5/31/08)

Shuttle Discovery lifts off The executioner lifts his wrath-shaped blade that sprayed our limbs, all that worship this, death’s enraged use- are given an eyeless mongrel, one that cannot gaze upon man’s achievement, only rumble that he not live. Aid appeal for Ethiopian children It’s a tall shame that we spend so much time spending. A towering shame we do not ration more of it openhanded. How long must we witness this? Endure it? Allow the foul air to churn? We’ve seen their pitiable expression for too many Goddamned fly-ridden years! How many more shall pass before their faces turn out to be ours? One soldier dead and 6 wounded in Afghan suicide blast Good news, American Empire. Good news indeed. Out of the six blast-shredded flesh that were sent tapping, none embodied Old Glory! Different State of Race Relations When it comes to the races, we’re all the same, old kings and queens, kingdom’s whores wearing the same weary faces. Obama Leaves Chicago...