Scribe: Nothing? Really? Spirit: Really. Scribe: Well, if nothing is going to happen, spirit, then that, in and of itself is, an event. But, if nothing happens, won't we forget to celebrate? Spirit: What? Scribe: I rejoice not knowing for certain that my path is pleasing Love and God, for it's the path I'm destined to keep until the time that I know, then I'll know and be known, not just suspected. Angel Woman: Give voice to that which holds you dear, give voice to that which you hold as well. Give voice to the child you were born to be! Scribe: And a rat a tat tat, a thrum and a ping, listen for the truth within you sing! Listen closely, listen dear, the time at hand is drawing near. Humankind: Oh boo hoo! If you hadn't noticed, time has the tendency to do just that, Rimnod! Scribe: What? Come to life? Humankind: Run past our grimace and our belief, but not our life...) Scribe: Then I'll rejoice in earnest your fortune at having been born t...