( A BEN HEINE CREATION ) A WOMAN WALKS ALONE TOGETHER The truth breathes in us from the birth of our voices The truth swims inside, waiting for when we’ll see The love is always there, we just need open our wings The love plays in my violin, my symphony of strings I am floating now in the wind where do I get on the train it seems so far away, the echo a whistle, a sound oft heard in dreams The wind brings my reverie crashing Laughing- Laughing for all to hear I don’t hold back the truth, mine or ours Things are coming to me now, hello Let us speak to one another of our commonality Child, dog, cat, squirrels, trees, kinship, community It is another C word that trumps the others Caring, Cause, Creation… The drone of the pipe organ fades now to drum and string… Love and Peace I am nothing, I am lesser than, I am in the wind We are nothing without one another We love and we fear, I say no more Let us join together without profit of a few Let us rise up as ...
(The Weaver's Song)