BEAUTIFUL CHILDHOOD MEMORIES... those were/are moments meant to be cherished. The beauty of moments like those is that they do not come with metals, purple hearts, or human contrivances that smother the truth in our memories like water poured over our shrouded faces... I realize that much of this sounds like nothing more than being contrary, if so, then I am the ultimate contrariness of Me, the flip-side to We, the same, yet different, yet equal, a twin of our human collective spirit. Flipped on its head it still makes sense... We need stop doing things so God-awfully backwards! GRAVITY: Gravity dictates our beholden. Gravity holds our attention Erects our spines Lifts our hands Moves our feet Holds us back from ourselves. In this sense, Gravity is God. Call it what you will, its a force to be reckoned with... Turning away is different than not being with, when one turns away from God, they are turning away from themselves and eventually all others. There is a ...
(The Weaver's Song)