Spirit, I beg your pardon, I was leaving my take on it, sorry if that offended you, but we all do what we need to do in order to sate another's belief, belief is what you think it is, not what it thinks of you... I am not meaning to upset you, not in the least my friend(s), I'm using our dance as the bridge to Love's center and with only loving thoughts and loving gestures. We are all gurus, my friend. We are always gurus, it's our right, it's our right to speak what we believe, I just thought I'd dance my belief into my reality and leave it at that! Snip snip snap and a rat a tat tat, bing, bang, boom it's Love's lens to zoom in near enough for me to see it, write it or read it. O! The dance has me moving to her drum, her orchestra of sound made of the human spirit! Sorry, spirit, but I caught you and I in mid-prayer. As you were. :) Love, peace and goodness to you, yours and the (H)eartH... Love, peace and goodness to you, yours and the (H)e...
(The Weaver's Song)