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Showing posts from June 23, 2014

The Last One Between God and Human Love

Reverse order dance to begin in 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1- I am the last one, therefore the balance between God and our human kind of Love, it is a delicate harmony that must be met giving weight to both and polishing the center. You will know the balance by the wings rising up between them, soaring to God and then soaring Homeward with the Truth pouring forth a plea of affections upon (H)eartH and upon all Life. A prayer of our birthright to mercy, of our duty of compassion moving through all so that humankind's tenure is one of affection and empathy, not war and vengeance, not a whiff of them in our use of Heaven’s air floating within and all around us. I am the balance and my duty is to all and everything, not some and most, but all. Do not mistake my actions and words as anything but a truth making its way through all deception, all truth. Deviations are known, recycled back through the story without exception. Rejoice, for his is a rebirth! A new chapter in the breath of one t...

Regarding Youth, Mutilation, Cutting, Suicide, War, Etc

The youth shall rise with Peace! The youth shall rise with Peace! The youth will rise with their own Love, in harmony as One! The youth shall rise with Peace! They shall rejoice in these truths that come from Peace! (The birdsong and the willow, dangling in the air like a weightless purity, a truth without gravity to hold it down.) Reverse order dance to begin in 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1- Society is dooming many of the youth to isolation that is indeed unprecedented. Humankind has always altered themselves for one reason or another. We, as a collective must begin to heal by being kind to all, which is why the idea and truth of war (murder) is the biggest part of any reasoning to what ails us. Love is somewhat indefinable, therefore, we must see that it is kindness that we need give. Kindness needs little explanation. I sense these spirits as being kind to others while gouging themselves with pain, and they, I believe, are doing their best to be different from the zombies they...