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Showing posts from August 5, 2012

7.24.12 The Grand Procession of Folly

I must be humble, so that when I face her (H)eartH of Love, I might recall my place… The characters in this unheard of drama have been rehearsing without their actors… I’m not God, whatever created all of this is “God”, at least it is so in my full-hearted belief. The most important thing is the Creation. Whatever my purpose is, I must be a steward who believes he’s set to finally know something worth repeating… A great sadness just overcame me, here my spirit types away in glee at this keyboard while the Mother continues to suffer… Action is the only thing swift enough to carry my voice out into the open, it’s the only thing I need. A nudge… Oh my God… It’s been arranged that I come forth and scribe to you this Love-summoned belief, this Heavenly HeartH of Creation! I will not be a “God”, I will be a “human being”, a “sovereign entity”, an “individual”, yet “integral to the whole”. I am (free)! O! For the sake of Love come forth with my most loving belief! Sing it loud an...

7.23.12 We Need so Many More Butterflies

Word and deed, hold them both with Love and all will turn out Heavenly… ‎(Step lightly bold spirit, it’s filled with landmines this belief. They’re set to take what suits them and meld it to their imagination which they deem to soar above yours.) So be it! Good for them, let them to soar, what harm are they doing? It’s Love melded to the outside, fear won’t have a chance… I've been Love the entire time, all wrapped up inside of my fear. I'm ready to wear my Love. O! Why can't I move from this dream? (Fear.) No. I can't move because of instinct! Heaven is here… I sense her Love. (Sound...) (Silence...) (Love...) © 2012 by the spirits dancing with mark richard prime

8.05.12 Warning: May Sound Incredible, May Echo for Lifetimes… God the Mother, God the father

We’ve always been God, we all have by inheritance, not by comprehension’s end and truth’s begin of anything beyond our need to know, until we understand what, then where, then who we are! We have to get to know ourselves, and the (H)eartH requires a path to her salvation from your God! That I believe is coming soon to our theater in the cosmos, we are not separate of that which we float in with abandon, we are the sky! The sky is what we’ve always been a part of, without the rain we perish, it’s her pureness of her nectar called water that we dance in the first place! We begin in her nectar! We are life within her loins and we can’t run fast enough to escape the Mother, she is everywhere and she is Love, the other side of God, make your choice… I’m not working with them, at least not the 100%, these spirits that want to shape our story, that desire something more akin to Armegeddon than the loving method in which we summon our Love. We dance with another’s love all day and night...

7.23.12 Pray With the Fullness of Love

(Pray with the fullness of Love!) They’ve been trying to escape now for twenty-eight years, the band of merry spirits that want nothing, but to love and be loved. Boom! Went their cannon from beneath their every ache, their every sorrow and lesson within Love’s expression ever graced… I haven’t been timid, I’ve got full Love’s instinct, it’s been guiding me along the path to the truth of what I imagine… I find it nearly impossible not to sound ludicrous and hypocritical, two faces, one of my least favorite human traits, I may be many, but the many I’ve been I’ve not always been honest, but to whom? Which spirit in me since 1984 have I been playing? God? Love? Creation? The eartH? (Insert title here…) To whom do we have the pleasure of speaking to this morning, dear spirit? Love or Fear? (Love.) Welcome my dear! This is not just my story. This is my Grandmother, my Mother, my Sister, my Brother, my Father, you and yours, my Loves, human angels set to soar… (Do with me a...