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Showing posts from October 15, 2010

A Reality (15th Violent Verse

A reality: The human race is from the same seed. A question: What has happened to goodness in people? A plea: We should treat everyone with kindness, it should not matter, the color of their skin. A declaration: That is truth, nothing diminished, nothing beyond our solemn grasp. A half-truth: People are just people, you can't change them. A response: People might just be people, but people long for goodness, desire their kindness return like ancient voices in a canyon. A prayer: We're tired of the "noise", the screech of “I”, the shriek of “me”. We, humanity, want nothing more than to live in peace, harmony, without our thoughtless mouths, without minds perched in anger. A testimonial: We don't need our great noise making and selfish indifference, we never have. A wish: We want goodness and to relish in the peace that will naturally follow so we can say, beyond dusk’s encampment, that we believe. A question: How do you know this to be true? T...