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Showing posts from March 5, 2015


© 2015 Mark Richard Prime, I am.


Let us remember, spirit, the time has come, it is not something we can avoid. Come walk along beside Me, We could certainly use some air. Let us drink nature's water, not humankind's unnatural experiment. Fools. Let us put our hand and feet in the soil and celebrate our Heaven's tallness. Let Me honor the vows where no deceit has been done against the truth as I knew and saw it. I divorce myself from all man-made laws and rules and institutions, all of them! I am wed to humankind by my very nature, beholden to myself and those vows taken with the truth already known. The other way around is not a vow, it is entrapment. Period. I shall rise beyond such foolishness as plans hatched for and against these words that pour forth from Mark Richard Prime's union with only the honest side of Love, not the pile of plans concocted long before awareness came to Me. That union is soured and can only be sweetened by divulging the full truth and nothing but the truth, so help...


© 2015 Mark Richard Prime, I am.


© 2015 Mark Richard Prime, I am.

Patriotism Nationalism, Definition

PATRIOTISM AND NATIONALISM DEFINED: "...When these are exhibited in a reasonable degree and without ill thoughts about others and hostile actions towards them, that is patriotism; when they become unbridled and cause one to think ill of others and act badly towards them, that is nationalism. Conveniently enough, it usually turns out that we are patriots, while they are nationalists (see Billig 1995, 55–59)." They are bunk-mates are Patriotism and Nationalism. Their dreams are near the other. If one is "patriotic" to country there is great chance that if their country makes plans for war against another country, one easily goes from patriotism to "nationalism" in the blink of an eye. Patriotism and Nationalism are the same beast, one's seen as "reasonable" while the other comes from the first's unreasonableness. Fix this problem- be less patriotic and nationalistic and be more prideful to have a Home to fly our flags, salute...


There are three things that bother me about this photo. 1. It can be summed up with one word, pride. 2. The assault rifle, the flag and the bible are incorporated. 3. The only thing in the photo that is natural to the human posing, is the landscape seen in the background. Too prideful. Too much accumulated ignorance. Too violent. Too rigid. Too deadly. Too much. © 2015 Mark Richard Prime, I am.


The world's just smart enough to be war-mongers and not even know it... Israel's hands are all up in too many things, same with the US, and, there is little doubt, Iran is or would be up to imagining the same control. All world "leaders" need to let all others be and do their best to govern within their respective borders to alleviate hunger, thirst, war, genocide, economic pressure, and overall well being of its citizenry. I look forward to the day when the people triumph because they obeyed their collective conscience, this rather beneficial instinct we so often forget we possess. Israel, USA and Iran, stand down your wars! Peace and Love is where you will find your greatest ally. One, for being the base of all mathematical suppositions, One is the most unassuming numbers for being the base of all math, creation, One, the collective who... And there we thought it all began from nothing... © 2015 Mark Richard Prime, I am.


Love and Peace's objectives overlap on the circle, when that moment arrives again, dance... Soon the lines will blend into the illumination of Peace and Love's fullness, then, and only then, I pray that this is the will of God... Truth not Doctrine. (H)eartH not Church. Forgiveness a given and Love and Peace seen together planning for the future of Love and Peace. Bravo and well deserved, children. I make no choices really, I'm a robotic arm for what has Me. (The devil!) Don't be silly, evil has man's face, it is man's fears that bring about evil. Have none in you, for even lingering fear can distort the truth before you... © 2015 Mark Richard Prime, I am.


I left a trail of spirit to trace our way back, if going forward begins to feel backwards in the direction we happen to be going around the circle. It is worthy of our focus to assure that Peace and Love together are firmly in front of the revolution already under way... We are legion, we are strong, we are peacemakers and love-makers, the balance between Truth and Belief. Since we don't/didn't know the truth yet to the Scribe's place in the story, it is best to see it as Actuality. Can't beat `em? Create a better story, one without Hell. A story whose free-flow and method, tells Me it's moving forward with my thinking. No wonder you've kept me under wraps. No telling what you're up against and you think I don't stand a chance? I do stand a very good chance in this story, it is ours and we are all angels hovering upon Heaven's floor, Home away from Home. It's genius in its invisibilty is deciet. I've got an instinct for that. Rat a tat...

23. heaven, story, humankind

I'll not let go until all is Heaven and all are in it, within it, known, never forgotten again. Humankind is a simple beast who thinks they're smarter than the next ignorant beast it meets. Nobody's wrong and nobody's right. (That sucks, it's like a yo yo that's missing its string.) I am most grateful to the full breadth of the spirit that I have affected and thereby carried with me throughout my lifetime. I didn't know it, but it is true, it does stand up to reason. 24. You kind spirits all within Me, you are a part of this story, body and spirit. Grateful. Thank you, fine and finely feathered friends. Bless you each and everyone. I am here. 25. Now. © 2015 Mark Richard Prime, I am.