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Showing posts from August 20, 2014

The Dance of We

I do not condone "attacking" anyone, verbally or physically, I condone a healthy debate where we can all learn a thing or two, not about the subject at hand necessarily, but we can learn, must learn of and within our abilities or inabilities to handle certain aspects of a debate on-line, a discussion. We must learn from the nuances or viewpoints found from both sides. We must learn to accept others, even those that "attack" us for any number of reasons. There is a fine balance to accepting that what those who attack us might say or add to a debate might well contain a nugget of truth or a word or two that aligns with the discussion in a way that is understood and may well benefit both parties to understand. I recommend not pointing out the "attack", but diffusing it, softening its edges, by being steadfast with kindness and with a genuine regard for the opinion and viewpoint of those you perceive as attacking you. I have learned much about my own view...

Let Us Rise

Let us rise up as stewards to Home and one another, then our expectations will align with Creation's idea of salvation. (H)eartH is most precious to the One Exactness, for it is Life and we its personification. Remember. © 2014 Mark Richard Prime, Peace & Love

Poaching Tomorrow

Let us not allow tomorrow's ivory to be poached by thieves. © 2014 Mark Richard Prime

Ferguson Missouri When Peace and Love are there... we'll then know we have arrived and on to the next battle, the next war, until Peace & Love are seen where we are at any given moment, globally, harmoniously lifted from our suffering, self-inflicted or otherwise. Peace & Love, a union like none other toward all other's salvation... © 2014 Mark Richard Prime