Russia Wants Lunar Lava Tube Real Estate The last of humankind to escape earth came crawling out of their makeshift holes to question the destruction of all within their reach. Their eyes scanned the surface of a beleaguered moon emptied of spirit, save for death’s marauding phantoms. The last of humankind came begging that Love again grant them their prayers, they pled with her to offer them one more chance at laughter’s reign, more time to make good on their promise to Love. Boom! Boom! Boom! Answered she… Mega-bucks flow from drug cos. to doctors This particular pill is hard to swallow without sufficient water to push it past my panting and thunderstruck tongue. A second opinion’s unneeded, as it only benefits the benefactors, and the side effects of the money game are proving the oath most disastrous... and beneficial. Man with knife attacks Occupy N.M. protesters Ending most occupations has been left to guns and bombs and warriors tapping out their maste...
(The Weaver's Song)